Support Us
Sponsor our major event:
If you would like to sponsor any of our annual projects, please email us to get the sponsorship packages we offer.
Our annual events include
1. Annual awards dinner (celebrating 100 most outstanding African Australians in NSW)
2. Mental Health First Aid sessions (Tailored for African Australians in NSW)
3. Annual Family Cultural Gala (Easter festive seasons for families and friends)
4. CALD communities networking sessions (Conducted monthly in different suburbs)
5. Annual Praise and Worship Dinner Night (Religious African Australians groups)
Our events and workshops would not be possible without the support of our volunteers. To help us at our next event, please email us your details (first name, last name and phone number) and we’ll be in touch.
We also depend on donations to organise and run our community projects effectively. Direct donations can be made to:
Account Name: Celebrate Africans NSW
BSB: 112-879
Account No: 477153725
Reference: [Individual/Organisation name]
You can also make in-kind donations, please email us